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Playlists to discover the musical universe of FCG from different perspectives.
Rammstein - Zick Zack
Korn - Sing Sorrow
Horace Andy - Safe From Harm
Destruction - The Lonely Wolf
The Lone Wolf - Cancel The King
Cave In - Blinded By A Blaze
Animals As Leaders - Gestaltzerfall
Caliban - VirUS
Machine Head - Chøke Øn The Ashes Øf Yøur Hate
Scorpions - Call Of The Wild
Clutch - Red Alert (Boss Metal Zone)
Kreator - Strongest Of The Strong
Christian Lillinger - Phenomenology I, II & III
Korn - Sing Sorrow
Horace Andy - Safe From Harm
Destruction - The Lonely Wolf
The Lone Wolf - Cancel The King
Cave In - Blinded By A Blaze
Animals As Leaders - Gestaltzerfall
Caliban - VirUS
Machine Head - Chøke Øn The Ashes Øf Yøur Hate
Scorpions - Call Of The Wild
Clutch - Red Alert (Boss Metal Zone)
Kreator - Strongest Of The Strong
Christian Lillinger - Phenomenology I, II & III