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“Comfort Club” is a monthly show by the Sofia-based label Amek Collective. Named after their annual fanzine publication of the same name, the show features exclusive mixes by Amek-affiliated artists, friend labels, guests and various radio activists. The sound of Comfort Club spans from ambient and experimental to noise, free improv and everything in between.
Undantem - Paths
Sixty Ton Angel - Pink Logos
Blessed By Saturn - Midnight States After The Rage
Vestimir Markov - interference
Joseph Lawrence Clark - On Going
Musical Statues - Acorn Barnacle
Jordan Christoff - Mirrors
Sixty Ton Angel - Pink Logos
Blessed By Saturn - Midnight States After The Rage
Vestimir Markov - interference
Joseph Lawrence Clark - On Going
Musical Statues - Acorn Barnacle
Jordan Christoff - Mirrors